Moreover some coding can easily be done using Visual basic. The solver can be used to solve optimization problems (with equality, inequality, binary and integer constraints).
#Roki afterglow how to#
We see how to do "loops" in a spreadsheet by dragging formulas (Newton method for univariate and bivariate systems of equations). The basic syntax is dir.create("nome_directory"). I studied the problem (which I always solved just creating a dir using the OS before running R) and indeed it can be done "inside" R: use the function dir.create. You asked how to create a directory from R and I did not know the answer.
#Roki afterglow manual#
Download the "official" manual that contains the session used in class (see page 78). The Comprehensive R Archive Network contains a lot of material, binaries, documentation, packages. R, language and environment for statistical computing and graphic. You won't be able to have your webpage like without an account. Pleas ask to the university computer center for an account on the servers helios and venus. We will learn how to write and arrange on the proper servers your webpage. An introduction to tagged typesetting and HTML. Keep in mind the define: Google command, see this page. Some extra information on bc and Unix in general can be found here. If you want a more sophisticated interface download "Fetch" or "Cyberduck" (search for them at Versiontracker, for example). Mac users have already the software, using "Terminal". Win users can find the programs at ( exact url) or searching at the Tucows Archive. Please download a Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure FTP client. If you are a win user, give a chance to Winedt. AlphaX, mac powerful and customizable editor (type AlphaX in the search box on Versiontracker).R, mac/win programming environment and much more.Download the best tutorial I have found on the website. MuPad, mac/win Computer Algebra System (CAS).Optimize on the net: Reading list Download the slides Last Update: nov 7-thThe page of last year course might still be occasionally useful.Data and more: Jobs and more: R, a programming environment:.Intro to computational economics (see below, email required) NEOS, sweave and bibtex (see below, email required) Tagged typesetting II, LaTex and presentations with prosper R (programming environment for statistics and more) Tagged typesetting I, Html and web publishing Network connectivity (Telnet, Ssh, FTP, SFTP) A more detailed tentative program is following:

This is the home page of the course "Computer Tools for Economics" of the Doctoral Program in Economics and Organization (DEO) and in Economics (DEC), School of Advanced Studies and University "Ca' Foscari" of Venice.Ĭlass scheduleTentatively, the classes will be held each week,starting from September 25-th.

Computer Tools for Economics 2007/08 Computer Tools for Economics (CTE)